Friday, January 8, 2016

You Make it What it is

In Life we all have our own viewpoint. We all have access to the truth, it just depends on how you perceive information that is staring you right in the face.                                                                          If you do not have a personal relationship with our LORD and savior Jesus I plead with you to come to know him before these tough times
ahead. Repent confessing all your sins to our Heavenly Father and
believe in him and that he sent his only  son to die for all of our sins and that he
resurrected him 3 days later. Confess by mouth and believe that this is
true and that Jesus was and is the son of God and is with God
preparing a place for all who repent and believe that he died for us and
was resurrected 3 days later. Then be baptized in his name receiving
the Holy Spirit/Ghost. God Bless you all. Just remember that evil is all around you and their is only one choice you need to make. With Jesus you have hope without him in your life you have nothing to look forward to, with him you have everything, The choice is yours
. You Make it what it is.

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